i have turned into an ant or maybe a bee. Working industriously to meet the Queen's quota of food and honey. so busy that, even if i was born without a brain, it din't matter much since all are routine chores and sedulous errands. Bleahh...and that explains why my blog has evolved into a very mundane one, less crap and jokes and lame clauses at the intervals to let your mind off just before you carry on with the thought provoking entry. hehe!!! hmm...during last week's CT session, they invited Royston Tan to show us a little short movie on "Sin Sai Fung" an opera troupe with a 96 year history. They actually got an actress to sing for us live!! Coool!! and i was quite stunned by the response of the audience, i din't expect them to be so enthu, clapping and cheering what more a standing ovation. Wow!! However, tradition shares the same fate as any empire that came to power. The all die off in the end. Actually, i think tradition is also like a fashion trend, opera was trendy in the past, appealing to our ah mas and ah gongs who so often think pop songs are crap. haha!! Maybe 50 years down the road, pop might take on the characteristic and fate of opera, outcast by the youth, soon to be outdated and forgotten. its kinda like perspective you know, some deep-rooted beliefs are now your doubts. the passage of time and the events that travel along with us so often twitch and make amendments to our thoughts and beliefs. For me, Basketball was once my emotional escape, there's once when i was like super sad at 1, then i went to the courts and shoot till 5 in the morning, there i enjoyed the serenity with minimum light from the twinkle of the stars and the mirror of the Sun, my mind and heart were there but the sad feelings all gone... =D but now, its kinda burden and i find no happiness in playing this sport i once love, how sad. =( well well, yup so maybe basketball is outdated, for the time being, i hope... work work...i have a bloody longgggggg day tomorrow!!! My timetable sucks big time!!! i shall drop my H1 bioooooooooo....boooooooooThere i find no love, so subtle, it touches me no more.
its 4:44 in the morning early!!! and i aint sleeping at all, guess i have sleep disorder.. whoopss. haha! its been long time since i type anything in this familiar frame. oh...i came across this msn nic that hmm...i think was quite cool and right. "When silence is not Golden". what do you think about this phrase? Words unspoken, feelings untold, apologies not made, gratitude not shown. hmmm...dunno early...can't think much too. But its cool ya, many a times i see nics that are like "since no one is perfect, then why does practice make perfect". oh! there's this one that is super cool. it goes like "Billy rocks the world!!!" hahaha lol. i'm not trying to be BHB but i did see it...where? in my XD Alright, i shall end here. not churching, shall do math now then sleep in the morning! waha! So Strangely Familiar
the past few days were rough and tough, a challenge that test your patience and tolerance level. ahhh...i'm suppose to finish up my econs tutorial but heck! It all started with misunderstandings, leading to conflicts and blah blah see, very often in life, we misunderstand people, their words their actions even their thoughts (if you can read their mind) haha!!! so often that we live with doubts unclarified, unsettled, staying unclear of the situation, then we make judgements based on uncertainties. Then we go unhappy cos it goes round and round when both parties never get fed up with their own feud, unable to put down that devastating ego. Sometimes, it just takes a cup of coffee, 30minutes and 2 mouths to make everything wonderful again. So if you're doubting someone or misunderstood something, talk it out, lay everything on the table and step by step, clear things up! =] Secondly, (oh btw, my econs tutor once told me not to number the points in the essays as in firstly, secondly, cos Cambridge ain't that stupid, they can COUNT!!! haha) well well, somethings when people agitate you, do not retaliate immediately, because it is not wise to do so. like i mentioned in the previous paragraph, it goes merry-go-round and round and round!!! it never ends, its like war, powerful men have very big ego, and because of that they sacrifice their people for the sake of meaningless victories. now why sacrifice yourself in a meaningless feud? When others joke about you, mock at you, hold that breath, breathe no fire for it is not worthy of anger nor violence, the point of agitation is retaliation which further give the other party to carry on their laughter and mockings. So i guess we have to learn how to stay low and let bygones be bygones, do not be mindful of what others mock at you about but be mindful about your self-worth and who you are, for you are a man before God, and to do so, you love your enemies, even if that means death? i dunno, but now its not that serious afterall nothing concern with death. =] hehe...Thirdly, i guess sometimes your perspective and impression of people are affected by peer pressure. its like a collective moral value thing, if majority thinks this is right, then it must be right. Agree? if majority thinks he is a fucker, then he is a fucker. You might be swaying from stand to stand, unable to stand up to voice out the false but you lack evidence, you lack the familiarity. You do not know that person and you subject him to "death". Nonsensical isn't it? haha!!! well well, when you judge, have a clear and open mind, and judge not based on hearsay but on solid evidence. Friends and Boyfriends or Girlfriends are different. Some might be excellent friends but lousy girlfriends so you might hear two different stories. But you have to seek a balanced viewpoint and be sure of what relationship you are seeking. dunno dunnoThanks Samuel and RongKangthe world has become a better place.haha my appeasement policy is good!!! thumbs up!!!
first announcement. HC bball got trashed by my Catholic High Juniors, 98-63!! woalala!! GG ahhh!! reply to anonymous...anonymous, ur curiosity make me curious too...u are so full of questions. haha! Relationship attachment is costly and tiring, but filled with a wonderful chemistry of emotions... =D and wait are u the same anonymous? hah! Tell me what u fink about love aye? so what do you think, am i attached? or have i been attached? or is someone running through my mind now? hahaha!!!well what is love? i guess we people, the young people are just too quick with feelings, hmm...crush here and there, i was a by-product of such vigorous and mindless process. lol. sometimes i just wonder why do people get so eager to break the silence, the serenity, is being together not enough? in the arms of each other, in the presence of the other, is that too un-romantic? why force words into the air, when nothing fits the atmosphere. All you needa do is stay quiet and lay your head on my shoulder and close your eyes as we slowly retreat into our confessions. =D If you say LOVE will overcome all obstaclesi will marry you. -----too quick man, just like i've said. lol
Charm's Charm
got my inspiration from Charm's blog "Let me be there"Ohmy, my feet smell like a fish...Love is like you the scarecrow, and your lover is the crop, 24/7, withstanding all weather, preventing harm done on it. but all are selfish, in the process of being a buffet, you found a little comfort, a little appreciation, a little time spent alone with him. there you sold your soul for love so blind, for love so magnanimous. you sacrifice knowing that the only returns are the sweet memories and him in the arms of another woman. Yet, there seem to be a glimpse of hope, so madly in love, that your life becomes a linear indulgence. After long, weathering takes its place on the line of weakness of your once pretty face, there your hope diminshed with your youth. So buffet-ious, maybe being flirtatious would have cured your "illness" then. Now i guess, there's no definition of a Mr Nice or a Ms Wonderful, for humans ain't perfect, what more in such a complicated area, where one word change the whole equation. i guess we are all trying to protect ourselves from such a linear indulgence, maybe it's too risky at our age.
Just be NICE
Fuck it!
ohmy Gosh! i'm accused of plagiarism!!! What the heck? At first i was kinda pissed with the comment on me lifting my entries from other websites. and now more comments asking me to have the basic courtesy of acknowledging the writer. Who the hell's names am i suppose write? Billy? my name? this not only insult my intellect but also brings about an uneasiness. Well if you were saying the Planetians were copied from somewhere, that's probably from my brain. The first was written in my phone, second came to my mind when i was doing my work in the library. So where are the other sources that you found similarites? I guess this happens to all creative thinkers and passionate writers who have neither fame nor power. If you criticize people about plagiarising, first you gotta provide the original source. Agreable right? If not, it is not the writers that belittle others but you who scare away creativity because writers would shy away from fabulous thoughts as they might think that other greater ones might have came up with it. So before you comment carelessly and groundlessly, go reflect upon your crude claims. Let's say Aristotle student of Plato, definitely he will be influenced by his teachings. And you know what influence my blog? The people around me, the nature, the metaphoric beauty of it, not entirely from the work of people. I shall not persist in this argument since at the end of the day, copyright is a very subjective issue. You might find two similar products even if the producers had not seen each other's products. ARgHhHh!!! WTH
Planetians 2
however things were not smooth sailing. we defied nature and the galaxy distorts. Truth distorts. the injuries from the clash were unbearable and as we cliff hang in the grey area, time permitted illusions and doubts. You controlled the high and low of my emotional tides, the light and darkness of my life. There wasn't a moment of monotony felt and hopes were as slim as seeing a lunar eclipse in a cloudy pluviosity. Your departure was adrupt and illogical, leaving me in despair and misery. After long there seem no room for reconciliation. Now that you are back on track orbiting, the light years between seem like a comfortable cushion after all. =] Alas, we lived happily ever after seperately...