07 January 2007

Fuck it!

ohmy Gosh! i'm accused of plagiarism!!! What the heck? At first i was kinda pissed with the comment on me lifting my entries from other websites. and now more comments asking me to have the basic courtesy of acknowledging the writer. Who the hell's names am i suppose write? Billy? my name? this not only insult my intellect but also brings about an uneasiness. Well if you were saying the Planetians were copied from somewhere, that's probably from my brain. The first was written in my phone, second came to my mind when i was doing my work in the library. So where are the other sources that you found similarites?

I guess this happens to all creative thinkers and passionate writers who have neither fame nor power. If you criticize people about plagiarising, first you gotta provide the original source. Agreable right? If not, it is not the writers that belittle others but you who scare away creativity because writers would shy away from fabulous thoughts as they might think that other greater ones might have came up with it. So before you comment carelessly and groundlessly, go reflect upon your crude claims.

Let's say Aristotle student of Plato, definitely he will be influenced by his teachings. And you know what influence my blog? The people around me, the nature, the metaphoric beauty of it, not entirely from the work of people. I shall not persist in this argument since at the end of the day, copyright is a very subjective issue. You might find two similar products even if the producers had not seen each other's products.

ARgHhHh!!! WTH


Anonymous Anonymous said...

everybody knows you wouldn't plagarise.

stop it, anonymous.

anyhow, dont get angry at this nonsense! it's not worth it. just keep doing what you do best - write away (:

1/11/2007 9:50 pm  
Blogger yichun said...

yea so crap! accused of plagarising when u urself dont know where u "copied" from...lol sounds hilarious. continue writing billy hehe :D

1/13/2007 2:00 am  

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