28 December 2006


haha...this would certainly turn Miaoqin off...XD
Super long, read it slowly and peruse...hehe =]

part I

Define help.

we help each other to live in this world. You constantly require assistance. If you deny such a fact, then you're probably helpless or hopeless...haha! this thought came about rom a little conversation with my mum then reinforced by a show.

Yo look around you, people in pain, agony, misery, depression. We often have the first level called Sympathy if you are humane enough to feel so. then comes the next level called Trying to Help, and Finally there're two consequences to your actions, one being less while the other being more of each. Take for instance, you see a boy drowning in a pool, your first instinct was to jump into the pool even though you can't swim. Well, you're very lucky that the pool is shallow enough for your head to stick out and breathe. Well many people will call that Heroic, Brave but there's another name to it, i call it Stupid. What if the pool was so deep that in the end both of you drown, dumb ya? okay, this was just an example, i guess not many people in the world would actually do that. Like doctors, they are equipped with medical knowledge to save a patient. If you act like the one i mentioned up there then you would probably kill instead of saving aye. ya...

i've an aspiration to become a psychiatrist, because when i was young, i see people sad, people committing suicide, these are things that i do not wanna see them repeat, at least not around me. And before i can be one, i've to study real hard for it. But being a retainee, i have wasted yet another year to games, lame things and you name it. i know alot of people out there do not know what to be when they grow up. Well this is due to the fact that they are aimless and probably focusing on different temptations that seem so vague which envelopes different kinda jobs and professions. Some people dream of being rich, some wanna be famous, others maybe powerful. But there's a very warming fact that at least half of the world population is in some way charitable =D Maybe some day some how, my mindset would change and i would pursue luxury instead. Possible ya.

So so, today before you lend a helping hand, are you ready or not? As you see poor little ones roaming the streets, you would love to provide them with shelter, food and clean clothes, well are you doing so? so that maybe when you grow up, get your own cash and do whatever you want, you might see them no more because you've help them with that determination NOW! but but, simple things like giving up your seats to lovely small ones, cracking immobile oldies, or wonderful mothers-to-be. eh guys, please do open doors for the ladies, especially the ladies' cubicle doors!!! wahahahahaha!!!

Quote from mum:
Help yourself before helping others

i'm eating Green tea flavoured biscuit in Chinese red tea!!! Yummy!
okay part II

You board a bus, trudge through the aisle and you found yourself a comfortable seat. Training was like hell, and you feel so lucky to find a window seat, hug your bag as you slowly proceed on dreaming. Suddenly, the bus screeched to a halt, exhausting its leather brakes, the jerk brought you back to the familiar longness. There you see an old AH MA! boarding the bus with groceries in one hand and EZ-Link! in the other. [little fact, did you know that HK octopus card right, can buy Mcdonald, buy food from 7Eleven, vending machines, then no $$$ ask mum to top up!!! wahahahaha!!!] all the seats were filled however the weary body of yours is so reluctant to give up the seat, firstly inconvenience, secondly you think that maybe someone would be kind enough to offer theirs. However, you do not assume for others, for you are not them, and sometimes you just lose that initiative of yours to the comfort and the convenience that you are in.

We often lack the initiative to stand up against all odds. Like guys, why be virgins? when even girls nowadays are offering themselves, when people laugh at you because you are one? Ever watched 40 yr old virgin? He's challenged by his peers to go hook up some female in a bar but he kinda shy away because of his beliefs. It's a beautiful thing isn't it? Standing up for yourself, doing what the majority is not. We so often think that if the majority is doing so, we should follow and do it. Like a collective moral value thing.

You know when we were young, we were, or at least i was, taught to voice out if something is wrong, if you were very sure. Do you know how revolutions come about? it comes about because people voice out their discontentment, then a initiator would step up and lead the group to overthrow the corrupted useless Tsar. It requires bravery, intelligence and most of all the Heart. You know, its like when someone gets bullied and the bullies are your friends, then you tell them to stop, they will go like "WTF is your problem, he's just another loser". However, this suggest that they are intimidated by your care and concern, the courage and the love you show. You might then after lose some friends but you showed them the way, hoping that someday they might change, you won a battle that is everlasting, in you and others. You know actually, i did bullied people when i was immaturely retarded, but there's this person that taught me how to love and it definitely feels better to care and love than to embrace the joy derived from bullying. So today again haha, be a man, do the right thing! what is right? i'm not telling you because you have to judge or maybe experience before you know the truth. However please do not weep with regret, do not act before its too late.

Wait wait, before that, initiating is like fashion, trend setter and follower, we all like to be the setter, be cool, be the Hot stuff, be the topic of discussions. But before you initiate something, let it not be too bizarre, let it be understandable and approachable. Let it be a good example....hehe=D Let it be of good purpose....

Initiate NOW!!! Sing the China National Anthem!!! XD

Long!!! part III

Lately i understood a fact. You see, sometimes facts are just right in your face but we choose to deny them. The fact is that people live differently, as in mentally thus choosing their course of life. Life is

all about studies
all about playing
all about working
all about family
all about friends
all about helping others
all about basketball
all about earning loads
all about U

See we all have our own "all about" which then help us decide our lives, what we want to achieve in life...wait...i wanna shit... BRB =p sometimes we despise certain group of people. like for example, the ultimate muggers, they seem to have no life, but to them, life is all about studying and someday they might be the inventors or researchers of a new and more effective cure for cancer, maybe they are the lifeless people who saved your life. =D so much of no life ya...

sometimes i admire people who heck care about their appearance, like wear high socks, skirt at knee length, classic big frames, stupid looking backpacks. i watched this show, this girl said "i dun care" then the coach replied "because no one cares about you" kinda harsh, kinda true though, but for people who i mentioned, it seems totally unapplicable. They care more than anyone do. There's one time when Qiurong came into the library with a stack of chinese notes that belongs to Qintan i think. She went all around the school to look for her, fearing that the notes might be of importance to Qintan's chinese class later. Again, so much of no life. haha!!! i look at them, muggers, lifeless they are, yet a bunch of wonderful people. Maybe i did over generalise abit but seeing is believing, what i have seen so far has proven that generalising is okay. haha! sometimes right, you find them very quiet, disengaged from the vibrant class but when you talk to them, you'll find out how amazing they are, leaving you in awe at the end of the wonderful day cos they make it so. =] i salute them for their heck-care-ness...wahaha!!!

Because we are all unique in looks and character, discussion seems forever necessary, stepping into a different social circle will expose you to UV, Unutterable Veracity. Allowing you to see different perspective of life. then you will understand more and able to appreciate others MORE! damn tired... blehhh... bahhhhh... seeping tea and peeing tea!! hahaha!! We should go for conglomerate merging more often than horizontal integration. Vertical integration only happens when you are like 30+ 40, with your parents and kids...hahaa!! i think sticking too much to our own kinda people will only make us more deep-rooted in our beliefs, less open, more stubborn and very very narrow-minded. This is just a Statement from Billy, doesn't have to be true :p

well i shall end here...freak my folder zip just came off..."luck" now i fixed it back... pro...thank you. maybe you will appreciate different kinda people more cos now that you apprehend the fact that all of us work and think differently haha!! Approach unique individuals, you might be shocked by their volume. volume? hmm...ya...just an expression...

Start Conglomerate Merging
its super "profitable" to your LIFE!!


Blogger yichun said...

one word: WOW!

i actually read through the whole thing and possessed so much information...that i don't really know what to say.

i only can say that i think i learn quite alot from your blog...it sort of teach me things about life and how to view things from different perspectives...like how i was immature and follow the crowd to sort of dislike those people labelled as "muggers"...thank you billy and guess i would get to learn even more from you in the future ;) HAHA

12/28/2006 5:59 pm  
Blogger dion said...

my eyes are freaking tired after reading that super loooooong entry of yours

lol y does this turn miaoqin off?

and what's with the ehem ehem on my tagboard?

did u give up the seat to the the old auntie?

help urself b4 helping others( i guess most people do that?)

isnt helping without the ability to help futile and meaningless?
i dunno


12/29/2006 6:40 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

mq- wow i'm so honoured to have you mention me at the beginning of your post-.- yes and your random dumb comments amidst your apparently-profound entry left me highly um... ________. fill in the blank yourself XD

12/29/2006 8:06 pm  

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