05 December 2006


before i proceed on to shitting, the foul gas has seeped through the tissues and the nerves, giving rise to a shitty thought. haha!!! you know i was thinking, wait before i tell you what i'm thinking, i shall give you a brief introduction to the history of the WORD today. Long post to be...Beware!!! keke

History of Vulgar
Once upon a time, a man named Gregory Leboman, who was a English Literature Professor at Oxford University, saw a prostitute cursing and he invented the word vulgar by combining "vul" from french which meant dirty and rude ,and "galr" from latin which meant girls. Okay i shall stop laming...cos what i wrote up there is all fake!!! waahahahahhaha!!! well the following is the real version. The ancestor of vulgar, the Latin word vulgris (from vulgus, "the common people"), meant "of or belonging to the common people, everyday," as well as "belonging to or associated with the lower orders" Vulgris also meant "ordinary," "common (of vocabulary, for example)," and “shared by all.”

However, Singapore's political drama scenes contradicts with the definiton of lower order. Is it JKB? today they use vulgarities in their scripts and plays, and somehow it is regarded as a High Class thing. When Literature goes beyond measures and limits, vulgarities rush in to take the places of bleak and emotionless words. Confusing huh? Certaining it is but i've found another meaning in adopting vulgarities in conversations. For instance, guys will go like "Hey bitch, how ya doing?" or "Bye Fucker, take care aye?" Such intrusion of rude terms might mean excessively redundant, but do you feel something? maybe for the girls, you take it as a very rude remark, but to me, the happy-go-lucky, i see and feel a sense of kinship, closeness of friendship, like because he knows that i know him well enough that he did not mean any offence or whatsoever, therefore using rude terms in a joking manner in place of "pal", "dude" or "man". I guess you get me now ya? Before i hop on to the next paragraph, there's a culture to substantiate my point of view. The blacks! a.k.a. the Niggers! They call themselves "niggers" within their community, but once a white call them that, he's in for some real good beating, because the blacks would see it as a derogatory remark, just because it's from the "white" mouth. Sense of belonging i guess, and probably a very important code word that whites ain't allow to use. haha! If you watch Coach Carter, no doubt it's a show and prove no evidence, there's a scene when their white teammate called them a nigger and nothing happen to him. Why is it so? Because they are teammates, they are friends, so does that explains the human behaviour of reacting to words or to selected group of people? lol

Everyday, people use vulgarities like it means nothing. Yes, exactly, the rudeness dilutes over time. Let's take a look at the word "damn", in the past, the very old past, "damn" is a word deemed to be rude by the mass, which also mean the common people[pls look at the definitions of word "vulgar" again, funny ya?] Today, "damn" is just another word, although there's still a pinch of rudeness, well it has damn right been taken off the rude league. so does this mean that we shouldn't take it so hard when vulgarity usage is concerned, since at the end of the day, it will be reduced to yet another normal word with minimum rudeness and offense. Hmm...worth perusing not, its pretty a cute topic, so Fuck you!!! hahaha!

And as a religion, what is correct, what is wrong? Today scientist say this product is harmful, tomorrow another say its good for health? Of cos, such examples ain't applicable for moral arguements, but does the use of language justify you as a good man or a bad man [BATMAN = good man, hero? lol] okie, that's lame...haha!! Does saying Fuck means you are a sinner and a man with ugly character? Words are like looks, they are all deceptive, designed and engineered by men to work magic, to make wrong look good? yea? haha!!! So as you scroll down to the bottom of this blog? Are you still searching for a identity? maybe language will give you a little clue, maybe a lead. Are you sensitive in your words? Are we not all sinners asking for forgivenss? Are we not all regretful people of words, wishing that time machine is invented the next day, so we could take back words we subconsciously used in anger and sadness? Are we speaking the correct tongue, yet hiding informationn in our heart, that seem so hard to be verbalise? Today, who are we to use adjectives and nouns to judge people? And all words in dictionary are vulgar, since all big words come from small words and small words belong to common people, are they not? And words like pretty, smart, handsome, can be so vulgar, so sarcastic, so subtle in different context, are they not vulgarities too? haha!!!

I hope i find the answer


Blogger yichun said...

wow pretty apt and inspirational entry for me...LOL

i better get use to speaking more vulgarities i guess :P

12/06/2006 7:45 am  
Blogger yichun said...


12/06/2006 7:45 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Heyy! I'm suddenly so happy that u always call me a fucker !!! :)Looks like i'm still your deepest luv Muahahaha :p

12/06/2006 5:26 pm  

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