17 June 2006

Chit Chat

Women just love to communicate, whichever part of the body they use, they are able to successfully convey their ideas or express herself. i was having lunch with my dad and a bunch of women who's helping out for the Fathers' Day celebration today. The way they talk across the table was remarkable! They were like changing audience and subject and tone and expression so quickly, yet they were still comprehensible among the group of women. Ohmy! me and my dad just sit down enjoying the noise and focus on the food and nothing else! hahaha! hmm...but i like the way they talk...so much chraisma and actions.. hehe :) then they were talking about the other time during Mothers' Day, i think they gave out or were given talks about Breast Enlargement Pills. And they went crazy...berserk! Talking about...nah..you dun need them, unless you are 32A or whatever...i went dot dot dot...then i raised my hand to conceal my little chuckles of how mature women would talk about their chest. hahaha! they are so not shy at all, maybe that's the difference between virgins and what do you call them. Well sorry green horns, not trying to insult your chastity and maybe maturity. I think there's a new level of knowledge and openness in female conversation as they age...hahahah! OLD WOMAN!! Good Day!

Pink for Bitchy XD


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hahaha. talks like this are common among 'greenhorns' too - with other girls, or the right kind of guys (those who'll go shopping with you, bitch about bras etc)that is. The trick with female communication is in KNOWING YOUR REGISTER.

what do you think 'Girls' Night Out's are for?

-charm (:


6/18/2006 2:24 pm  

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