12 June 2006

On Air

I shall start an entry airborne. Still on the Flight CX734, 1847h, another hour to kill before i touch down. There's this baby crying real loud in front, guess he wants milk or maybe poo poo! haha! Oh! btw...the Radio on the plane really sucks big time. Hmm..the classicals and Jazz aint that bad but NAH the rest OMG CMI! hahaXD well...personal preference i guess :) let me gather my thoughts again. Oh i was watching Big Momma's House 2 just then...it ended so i am bored...sitting at my not so comfortable seat..neither along the aisle nor by the window, sandwiched in between passengers. one sleeping another reading on an article on Da Vinci Code. Oh did you know China banned it? So much of politics and respect for religions huh? But let me tell you one thing, the Chinese government is just jealous that the American's Hollywood is earning big bucks with it. hahahaha! I think that's true to a certain extent, agree? 16 hours ago, i finished watching Chicken Little and i enjoyed it and the second thing i'm gonna tell you is that i found Animations much more meaningful than you know the non-animated movies. Its just that maybe the moral behind it is another selling point of the movie other than the cuteness and retardedness that appeal to the evil kids. [watch The Omen and you will know] XD

Yup! and i was reading Nicholas Sparks's "The Wedding" halfway through. took me 3 days...well i'm undeniably a slow reader. [Billy nod nod] :):) i've been thinking while watching this movies and having in mind something great is gonna happen [do you know what's gonna happen?] It's FATHERS' DAY!! haha!

Well well, when was the last time you laughed with your family? Crack a Joke with him? hmm...talk to your papa...make him feel young...but let the delusion not get too deep, teach him something new and perhaps he will realise that's he still old! ahahaha! Communication and interaction are important no matter where. Family, relationships, friendships. It doesn't matter how you convey, the significance is that you actually do it! Loving is hard, Showing is even harder. Dun assume that your parents know that you love them, so maybe someday sometime, a little kiss on the cheek or a hug or something small but touching. Maybe like "Hi Dad!" but dun continue asking about work, cos you must know MAN dun talk alot and they are tired and weary after a long day. Your greetings will definitely brush away some of that weariness. Then he might be wondering, hmm...wassup with my kid? Fishy. haha...then he will ask...do you want something? hahahaahahaha! XD well maybe just reply I LOVE YOU SO MUCH! right?!
Sorry mums, Mothers' Day had passed! hahaha! MEN Rock! [nodding]

Oh then there was this part in the testimony by the priest, saying something about being shy about our faith. Yeah...faith here dun just stand for religious faith but the faith in the things you do and trust. Are you afraid because of peer pressure? Many times in classroom, whenever a teacher gives 2 options and you have to choose one. most of the times i would survey the classroom for the numbers of hands up...if it happens that i am the only one or the few, then my blood just dun seem to be flowing to that hand again...slowly retreating back to its original level. So so? do not be shy with what you do, its unique and make us all individuals...that individuality is so beautiful! =) there's this words in Heeren that really got me...
Its not that we try so hard to be different, its just that you people are all so normal and similar.

Oh here's a Joke from Yuzhong...convo from msn.
they are coming out with all that __men crap movies
the next would be Semen hahahaha
Probably R21~

I know this is the best way for you =)


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