101 and more to come! hahaha!
alright alright...RJ vs HC! Both are the clerisies of the nation and yet there seems to be a marked difference between these two groups of very talented youths. hmm...i think i will make a pretty biased comment on what i'm gonna type but then i am not condemning anybody at any point in this passage. aiya...someone say i bo liao so maybe i shall just dao this topic! wahahaahhaahha!!!
As with Double Standards, hmm...Rachel, we all hold double standards daily and subconsciously. Let's scrape prejudice that includes sex, age, race and blah blah...out of the picture, and put our focus on people of the same age, same sex and same...
Arghh...i just went down to do laundry and dammit! the dryer is spoilt AGAIN!!! FUCK!!! and i'm feeling hot, sweaty and angry! they keep cheating my innocent 50cent coins! screw them with the lousy service and maintenance!!! and now i've lost my mood to write cos the laundry service people had just double standard us! they think we are boarders and therefore need a less efficient and less effective service! to hell with them!!! ahhhhhhh......
Screwdriver ready!
alright alright...RJ vs HC! Both are the clerisies of the nation and yet there seems to be a marked difference between these two groups of very talented youths. hmm...i think i will make a pretty biased comment on what i'm gonna type but then i am not condemning anybody at any point in this passage. aiya...someone say i bo liao so maybe i shall just dao this topic! wahahaahhaahha!!!
As with Double Standards, hmm...Rachel, we all hold double standards daily and subconsciously. Let's scrape prejudice that includes sex, age, race and blah blah...out of the picture, and put our focus on people of the same age, same sex and same...
Arghh...i just went down to do laundry and dammit! the dryer is spoilt AGAIN!!! FUCK!!! and i'm feeling hot, sweaty and angry! they keep cheating my innocent 50cent coins! screw them with the lousy service and maintenance!!! and now i've lost my mood to write cos the laundry service people had just double standard us! they think we are boarders and therefore need a less efficient and less effective service! to hell with them!!! ahhhhhhh......
Screwdriver ready!
haah double standards.. part of being human aye. but we can also work towards scraping it. hang it out on a line to dry!! put it out under the sky, where the birds will fly by. and oh, maybe it'll be the second time you have to do laundry?
actually what makes the school different? the people? or the stereotypes we have for them. Hc vs Rj's gonna be such a sensitive topic. ahhaa yeah rachel's right do without the drying machine! anna and i had to use the hair dryer to dry our skirts at hongkong!
mq - haha how anti-climax.
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