06 February 2007


ShengYu ask me to type something so here's something for you all to think.

Earlier this year, i was thinking of saving up and it wasn't for materialistic means or anything close. But this time the cash left in my piggy bank is used up to buy food and stuff so that i can share the joy i derived from consuming these items. Firstly, i bought lotsa brownies from the interact club and distribute it to a number of people. Then i bought food for my chinese class, it feels good to see people happy yea... =D And guess what, i only used a portion of my monthly allowance to make people happy for that few minutes when they knew there's free food and that extra few minutes consuming those food... XD

Why bother looking good when all this money spent on clothes and lush stuff can actually be spent to make someone's day. Not that they require you or you are obliged to do so but it's just something i thought worth investing. No doubt that we should take care of our own self interest before looking into others like the usage of oxygen mask on planes (first help yourself then the others) but sometimes when i go down to the hostel cafe to buy stuff, i would think of people around me, get them something for lesson, add a little something tasty...haha!!! i guess they are worth being treated like that. Just get a outing uniform, cheap Giordano jeans, a nike t-shirt and some decent sneakers and you are ready to go anywhere on Earth, why spent loads on superficials that can actually be the cost of other's happiness.

And as i think of this, i proceed on to a very marxist ideology. If everyone is liddat, people would demand simple for themselves but the good and service that they pay to make other's happy is not, meaning there will still be a market for capitalism. shit, i contradict my own damn thoughts...

okay, waittttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt...

oh i was trying to say, if we demand so simple for ourselves and others alike, then we would only be stagnant in terms of satisfiable wants and be contended with the standard of living. Thus there will be a lack of human progress and economic growth in the society. Hereby, my title for this entry comes in and thus become something more than desirable. See, if people were not selfish, if they were not forever hungry for more, if they were not realistic and cruel, then this world will just stop rotating and there won't be globalisation and riots. since all these are derived from the competivity of the rapidly growing world. And the ingredients that brew this competivity are most of the time the character traits that we detest so much that we might be willing to stab that person if Singapore was lawless. lol....just kidding =X

Well, i guess we live in a world where character traits coexist, in moral terms, this might be wrong but in the eyes of economists, they are the most desirable character traits just to beef up the economy. Even in HC, we see a balance of chemistry, although the ratio of nice people to okay people is overwhelming, i'm not lying k...haha. And before you start hating that person so much, look at it with a different perspective, maybe he or she is the one with this irritable competivity(selfishness, back-stabbing) that creates that job opportunity that you so capably took up as your career. its a sad fact yea? Life is like that and maybe since you are so kind and nice (cos you are reading my blog) maybe you can approach him or her and show her a better side with you the living example and at the same time preserve that irritable character, making it as subtle as possible. So that our society would progress and be more open to erm...sex? haha!!! that's the topic for our GP now...heh

Thinking like white light that goes through a prism


Blogger PHiL said...

p.s. i dun have much allowance!! $300(maybe alot maybe v little)!! but i guess i'm contended. if you have more then give more for everyday is present and you are gifted to give...=D

2/06/2007 11:37 pm  
Blogger yichun said...

why u nvr treat me to some random food before? :P HAHA. i am your ardent blog fan leh! lol

yea i guess it is another rather chimology entry esp the last para....but still a good read :) HAHA cya ard in sch! ;)

2/07/2007 8:34 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

BILLY u rock! i visit ur blog everyday leh.... so u gota post everyday... all the posts are very meaningful, i will learn frm u!

2/07/2007 10:20 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha think u made alot of sense there. your blog is quite refreshing from the usual stuff around..i'm super bored at work so keep updating ur blog with nice stuff k. hahaaha

2/09/2007 8:49 am  

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