07 February 2007


i'm surrounded by Good people

people of wisdom

people with a kind heart

people with porno thoughts lol

people with emotions

people with defects

people who are nearly perfect

people who i see will shine

people who are unselfish

people who are smart and humble

people who are zai in bball and humbe (ME!!!)lol

people who love something

people who has a passion in serving

people in interact committee

people who goes for OCIP

people in the Council

people in my CCA

people in my class

people in my ex-class

people in my ex-ex-class

people in my ex-chinese class

people who taught me

people with cocked up brains

people with corny jokes

people who share and take

people who see things differently

people who show you the reality

people who make things dreamy

people who paint you a beautiful picture

people who get you something foul

people like you, so unique that i love each and everyone of you.
Even if you did wrong, i'll forgive and i hope you do so for others to.
Even if you are selfish, i hope i share with you so that you might share with others
Even if you hate me to the core, i might give you my all, so that you learn to love

and by saying so, i am confessing here, things i'm trying to achieve, and i hope you can join me in achieving for there is no room in this world left for hatred. heh =D we live in a world full of loving souls!! so be one and be like Christ(sorry not trying to evangelise here) but i guess there are values that we should learn from HIM! =D

Again, i'm surrounded by wonderful people like you
and that makes me live just another day :D Thank You


Anonymous Anonymous said...

woah you've updated. that giving of food (the interact brownies were niceeee weren't they?!) you talked abt... yeah! definitely loads of good great people who do such things, but mostly after they've taken care of themselves and have excess. still altruism though! eh i watched the video again with sound. the song is nice! you have it? it's very appropriate.. (:

2/07/2007 10:06 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Heyy! It's also nicee to be surrounded by some retard n i have the duty to cure him :)Miss all the wonderful times when we roam ard the streets like gays
Ps: u should know hu m i

2/08/2007 11:06 pm  

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