02 July 2006


Wow! i was reading this article on Today (Redemption Song) and it really got me. its about inmates writing poems expressing their repentance and love and so much more emotions. one poem translated from malay

12 Steps
With every word, i learn to keep it
With every criticism, i learn to understand
With every ego, i learn about humility
With every step, i learn to be careful
With every mistake, i learn to improve
With every doubt, i learn to believe
With every injury, i learn about healing
With every cry, i learn about regret
With every sin, i learn to repent

it really took them a long way to really self-reflect and put pen to paper, inking all that emotions and regret. Are we ready to put down our coloured contacts and forgo the prejudice against them? it may be hard, but there's a easier approach, look at your own life. i'm sure there are people that hurt you, backstab you, curse you and so on...are you gonna forgive them? God gave us a heart to love but not to hate. For hate is not a virtue of human and that hatred generates sadness for you have grudges in your heart...stopping you from loving. I'm learning to put a balanced viewpoint on a certain group of people. For the people i have encountered from that group was nothing but fabulous and nice people. Maybe i over generalised them. Well, saying "you're forgiven" is as heavy as saying "i'm sorry".

then there was this part on the officer touching the lives of others. let me tell you today, making a difference in others is so so so easy. A pack of chocolate when the person is sad, a note of encouragement when the person face challenge, a token of appreciation when the person done something (magnitude nv matters) for you. All these touch the person at least for that day, for it's present, a gift by itself, enhanced with the interaction of humanity. For God has given us the potion we need.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey this post's so sweet. Yeah I agree, it takes much for them to come this way from a mind clouded with denial, anger and perhaps hatred, to regret, forgiveness, peace and an ernestness to make amends.

and yeah i agree, it doesn't take much effort to brighten a person's day. well your blog post has touched me, and your nice encouraging comments on my LJ always bring a smile to my face :)

so yup, thank you, big bro! :)

though you a bit the naughty (huai4 dan4!) at times. :P

7/05/2006 5:05 pm  

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