12 May 2006

Forgave to Forgive

Just now i was asking my friend what's the past tense for "Forgive". Its "Forgave" sounded pretty weird right? Hmm...has the world become so unforgiving that made this simple word so unfamiliar. What's with forgiving someone? What's with knowing others mistakes? What's with repeating history thus mistakes? Will you still forgive? Will you be magnanimous? It all depends on the situation right? Practical in Reality, Idealistic in Theory. Owell, everything seems to be smooth sailing but when you encounter something unpleasant...it all just twist and turn to your disadvantage. Will you forgive someone that have hurt you so badly, physically or mentally or maybe spiritually, will you forgive? But maybe that's your first time making such a tough judgement, doubts, contradictions, everything just keep rushing up to queue to just get into that confused brain of yours. Are you calm enough to handle something so abrupt, something so unexpected? Actually i'm quite confused now as you can see from the disorganisation of the ideas that i'm trying to bring across. but guess what, that's a beauty, that something that really trigger deep thoughts, because now you are probably confused at what i'm saying too huh?! Shit where did i leave it cliff hanging? Owell...let it all jumble and start afresh like a white gleaming snowball, let all the things snowball down the endless slope of life! =D

Oh i was saying will you fucking forgive no mood......hahahah...okie...shall continue...heck the mood! wahahaha XD Oh...what do you think? Life is miserable when you regret not doing something that you could have done. hais...WTH lah...i'm real real confused...trying to confuse others but to no avail.

Oh...two days ago [yup...i think its 2 days ago] i woke up and looked at my phone. I was thinking, what are the gains and losses that i might have if i left it in my room and not bring it to school?! Hmm...well there's not much losses...considering that i only had 2 miss calls and 3 sms. fuck you! so random! wahahaha! Cos i gaying with Dion so i said those derogatory term. Life has become so convenient, information at our fingertips, someone mentioned...then why is life still a struggle. Many times, we might agree to it almost immediately, giving that affirmative nod...but hey! Hold on for a while, that's not the station that your train of thoughts is gonna halt. Think deeper, more mental illness, more stress, more family violence, more of everything that cause the detriments to overwhelm the goodness. What is the X factor to all this drastic changes? Everything is going faster, so fast that we cant cope...so we invent things to help us cope? Are we less abled? Are our natural abilties diminishing? Are we on the verge of self destruction? okay its quite rubbish though.....

Oh about the forgive thingy, how often have you initiated a apology when both of you are at fault? Human nature has make it so embarassing? to say words like sorry or oh it's my fault, please forgive me? haha the latter sounded a bit gay XD i forgot what i wanna say already la..cos i was in awe by Dion's Bloody HOT body. haha...

Guess that's all for tonight...i go GAY with Dion loo...cos i m naked in his room!
GAyiSm RoXXx...haha XD
Btw...thanks Xiao Mei for that comment you left me...haiyat! u JIA YOU TOO!


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