Pop-uP Thought
Well, i came to think of this few days back when i was in the stuffy laundrette. Its about jokes and comments that can be so carelessly hurting. The situation here that i encountered is somehow similar to many of yours, i guess.
Case ::: You[Gamma] have 2 friends Alpha and Beta, but Beta dunch know who is Alpha or probably they are only on Hi-Bye terms. One day Alpha approach you and chit-chat, sing song, talk cork, play manjong =]. In the conversation, Alpha kinda insulted Beta just because of the appearance, something superficial. However, you, Gamma, buried your conscience with the crude talks and unpleasant comments, just because you din't wanna feel EXTRA, you wanted to blend into the meaningless conversations, you shy off to avoid embarassment, well your silence has consented to their incredible, unvalid judgement of a supposedly very nice person, who is Beta! If Beta get to know of this, what would Beta think of you? Beta would probably be broken-hearted, knowing that you kept quiet to what was false! And you continued mingling without a sense of opprobrium. The decision you made, will definitely change the Alpha's perspective of Beta. Silence meant you reinforce his stand by keeping quiet and conveying the idea that you agree to it. On the other hand, Erecting [haha ex-con] from the crowd, correcting the misconception, hereby you not only remind Alpha not to judge a book by its cover, also, you stood up for what is true and that's very courageous of you.

Well as you can see, Gamma is a straight, upright ray deflected to no where. It stands for the truth, and YOU shall be the one that correct the misconceptions of either Beta or Alpha! This does not only apply in Friendship. In society, anywhere around you, we sometimes, walked away from the truth, we lived in denial, we forced ourselves to trust what is evidently false. We are not brave enough to challenge the authority or even individuals, not brave enough to stand up and tell them that they are WRONG! So maybe you would like to take a minute off your slammed week packed with social parties for hypocrites, who so often put on a smiling mask but backstab you, think, reflect, HAVE YOU BEEN DOING THE RIGHT THING?!?!
[A] Stand for what is TRUE, Speak of what is TRUE, Analyse what is TRUE!
[B] Rumours and Gossips are for classless petty bunch of undesirables.
[A] or [B] its up to you! =]
Oya, that day, Xie lao yao guai came down to class bench to catch those who pon CSP. So funny! Then Mr. Loi who was supposedly heading to the canteen for lunch came over to the class bench and crap with us. hehe :) then we nod and nod waiting for either one to break the silence. Men are just less expressive than women. Well term ending and the long dreaded CSP is coming to an end...curtain close, show's over. Hmm...well well i have 2 more days with you guys my dear SIXOH! You guys are Treasure that is hard to come by, well Life is a series of good bye...
....always to be continued [H]
Case ::: You[Gamma] have 2 friends Alpha and Beta, but Beta dunch know who is Alpha or probably they are only on Hi-Bye terms. One day Alpha approach you and chit-chat, sing song, talk cork, play manjong =]. In the conversation, Alpha kinda insulted Beta just because of the appearance, something superficial. However, you, Gamma, buried your conscience with the crude talks and unpleasant comments, just because you din't wanna feel EXTRA, you wanted to blend into the meaningless conversations, you shy off to avoid embarassment, well your silence has consented to their incredible, unvalid judgement of a supposedly very nice person, who is Beta! If Beta get to know of this, what would Beta think of you? Beta would probably be broken-hearted, knowing that you kept quiet to what was false! And you continued mingling without a sense of opprobrium. The decision you made, will definitely change the Alpha's perspective of Beta. Silence meant you reinforce his stand by keeping quiet and conveying the idea that you agree to it. On the other hand, Erecting [haha ex-con] from the crowd, correcting the misconception, hereby you not only remind Alpha not to judge a book by its cover, also, you stood up for what is true and that's very courageous of you.

Well as you can see, Gamma is a straight, upright ray deflected to no where. It stands for the truth, and YOU shall be the one that correct the misconceptions of either Beta or Alpha! This does not only apply in Friendship. In society, anywhere around you, we sometimes, walked away from the truth, we lived in denial, we forced ourselves to trust what is evidently false. We are not brave enough to challenge the authority or even individuals, not brave enough to stand up and tell them that they are WRONG! So maybe you would like to take a minute off your slammed week packed with social parties for hypocrites, who so often put on a smiling mask but backstab you, think, reflect, HAVE YOU BEEN DOING THE RIGHT THING?!?!
[A] Stand for what is TRUE, Speak of what is TRUE, Analyse what is TRUE!
[B] Rumours and Gossips are for classless petty bunch of undesirables.
[A] or [B] its up to you! =]
Oya, that day, Xie lao yao guai came down to class bench to catch those who pon CSP. So funny! Then Mr. Loi who was supposedly heading to the canteen for lunch came over to the class bench and crap with us. hehe :) then we nod and nod waiting for either one to break the silence. Men are just less expressive than women. Well term ending and the long dreaded CSP is coming to an end...curtain close, show's over. Hmm...well well i have 2 more days with you guys my dear SIXOH! You guys are Treasure that is hard to come by, well Life is a series of good bye...
....always to be continued [H]
hey Billy! Your entry's really motivational and thought-provoking! :)
And you know what? You're a treasure to Six-Oh too. we'll really miss you :( come visit us and crash HC often k?
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